Thursday, September 3, 2015

Stressed--Are We Or Are We Not?

I don't know about you but I have had stress in my life, sometimes worse than others. And I have been burned out. I didn't realize I was burned out at first but exhaustion was my first clue. Once I identified it, I had to seriously look at what was causing my burnout as I did not have the luxury of  not working and heading to an island in the middle of nowhere to re-cooperate. What I realized was my life was unbalanced, not drastically, but enough to cause me to burn out. I am one of those crazy people that loves to work, which is why I graduate rather than retire, so it is very important for me to stay as balanced as I can. I relate life, and the balancing of it, to a table with 4 legs. If all the legs are upright, and solid, the table is functional and can hold a lot. If one leg breaks, everything on the table falls off, and it has a hard time functioning. A balanced life can sometimes be like that, but the more I keep my life balanced, the easier it is to function if one of the "legs" falters.

The Mayo Clinic had an excellent article on stress reduction, Stress relief from laughter? It's no joke.
Over the years if I felt I didn't have enough laughter in my life...even laughing by myself, I would call up friends for a get-together, knowing it would always involve plenty of laughter. And then I found Laughter Yoga, which meant I had regular laughter sessions in addition to laughing with my friends and family. 

Instead of "Stressed--Are We Or Are We Not?" l decided to "Laugh, Laugh And Laugh Some More".

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